The Top Celebrity NFT Owners in 2023

The Top Celebrity NFT Owners in 2023

The Top Celebrity NFT Owners in 2023

The Top Celebrity NFT Owners in 2023

Futurists predict a "new internet" in the future, in which people will increasingly interact in virtual reality. That is why NFTs are becoming more popular. Show Business and sports stars are also looking to get a stake in the tokens by controlling and monetizing their brands.

Eminent Investors

NFTs may even become a new industry for some celebrities. YouTube star and rapper KSI, for example, quickly became a fan of unique tokens. He bought his first NFTs back in August 2021, and two days later he created an alternative account @ksicrypto on Twitter, dedicated entirely to NFTs. The investment in Bored Ape Yacht Club paid off: one of the KSI tokens quickly rose in price above $100,000.

Another popular rapper who became the owner of the NFT is the artist Post Malone. He previously changed his Twitter profile picture to a BAYC series avatar. Also, the performer appeared in an advertisement for the MoonPay payment processor: in the video, he buys a copy of the NFT collection and shares his impressions about it.

What tokens do celebrities have

The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT Collection is one of the rare crypto projects that have become very popular even outside of the digital asset industry. The unique BAYC tokens are also owned by world celebrities, and the collection itself, with its three counterparts from the same developer studio, has reached trading volumes of $2 billion. Let's list the most celebrities in the NFT-holders.

As a reminder, Bored Ape Yacht Club is the most expensive collection of NFT tokens at the moment. Initially, the tokens were sold at 0.08 ETH, but today the minimum price of the representatives of the set is 107 ETH, that is, the equivalent of 366 thousand dollars. Here is the corresponding ranking from the NFT Price Floor platform.

We continue the marathon of the main NFT heroes – monkeys! Justin Bieber also bought this piece of art for himself in his collection. Spent nothing but $1.3 million! On the other hand, why be surprised - he can afford not to do that? The singer said that he has been following the cryptocurrency for several years, and sees excellent prospects in NFT.

Eminem turned out to be more modest than Bieber and spent 450 thousand dollars on a monkey from the same collection of Bored Ape Yacht Club. By the way, the rapper’s subscribers thought she was similar to him.

Ozzy Osbourne has released a celebrity NFT collection dedicated to bats. Its uniqueness is that each such token will be able to create another new token. It’s simple: bats bite other tokens in a digital wallet, and due to mutation, another unique NFT is born. By the way, the collection was presented in January this year – exactly 40 years after Osborne tried to eat a bat on stage.


Famous beauties – NFT celebrity owners of non-fungible tokens

  • Today, Lindsay Lohan is known not only as an actress, singer, model, and clothing designer. Her name has been in the news of the crypto world more than once. So, back in February, she minted the first token, which brought in $50,000 in revenue. After that, she released the single "Lullaby" as NFT on Fansforever. Lohan noted that finally both Hollywood and the music industry are starting to accept digital assets. In her opinion, this is happening “largely due to the NFT.” She notes that the whole world would like to know more about non-fungible tokens, and therefore she is glad that she can be “part of this revolution”, which can help bridge the gap “between content creators and fans”.
  • Canadian singer Grimes, who is also known as the mother of Elon Musk's youngest son, was able to raise $ 5.8 million for celebrity NFT art in 20 minutes. Her 10-piece WarNymph collection (some of which are single, while others are produced by the thousands) has become one of the fastest traded in the NFT sector. The tokens were linked to drawings that the artist created as a result of joint creativity with her brother, Mac Boucher, who is a digital artist. The drawings tell of a goddess battling decadence in a fictional world, giant cherubs, and much more.
  • Paris Hilton is a socialite and star of numerous television shows. In the crypto community since 2020, it was then that she sold her work in the form of an NFT. And Paris Hilton also took up the creation of NFT pictures, becoming part of the world of non-fungible tokens. And, by the way, her work has already started to go under the hammer. As Be-in-crypto reports, the first painting of the actress and model was sold for $1.11 million. What does it show? Paris Hilton herself, could not be otherwise. The secular diva portrayed herself in the form of a crypto queen in the middle of pink clouds. Just like in the good old zeros. The work was called Iconic crypto queen. Notably, an Iranian collector gave a round sum for the non-fungible Iconic crypto queen token from a socialite, who had already purchased the covers of Time magazine. Paris created her masterpiece together with designer Blake Catherine.
  • Madonna - the singer owns Bored Ape #4988, which she purchased for 180 ETH, or approximately $466,000. But even the most famous singer in the world could not resist creating celebrity NFT projects. She has put up for sale three concept NFT videos ("Mother of Nature", "Mother of Evolution" and "Mother of Technology"), dedicated to the topic of motherhood and creativity. The pop star worked on the design of the animation project together with digital artist Mike Winkelmann, known by the pseudonym Beeple. All three works are modeled from 3D scans of the singer. The triptych was raffled at a special Mother of Creation NFT auction on the SuperRare market. Proceeds from the sale will be donated to non-profit organizations that assist mothers and children worldwide.

Instead of Conclusions

As you can see from this list of famous NFT owners, such projects are no longer a fleeting trend in the crypto industry, but a whole movement that even people far from Bitcoin are interested in. This hype is good for cryptocurrencies in the long run, as the actions of stars often act as examples for their fans. Accordingly, there will be more NFT holders, but to interact with them, as always, coins are needed.

We believe that global celebrities are an important part of promoting NFT worldwide. According to sources, some acquired tokens as part of promotional agreements, but this does not change the essence. The popularization of non-fungible tokens will be a pass to the world of cryptocurrencies for many people who have not yet managed to connect with digital assets. And it will do the industry well.

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